Saturday, November 21, 2009

University of Sankore

The founding of Islam and its spread had a large influence on world. Not only did the new power cause Persia and Byzantium to crumble, its spread touched worlds that were both distant and unique. One world Islam spread to was West Africa. Besides the introduction of faith, Islam brought to this world the thirst for knowledge. In the mythical city of Timbuktu a University was founded that rivaled any University to date, its name was Sankore.

Sankore University was founded in 989 CE, originally as a Mosque. However, during the reign of Mansa Musa (1312-1337) the University was founded. soon becoming a large center of learning with an student population of 25,000 from all over Africa. There were four levels of degrees available at Sankore, primary, secondary, superior, and the circle of knowledge. The Primary degree was learning Arabic and memorizing the Quran. The Secondary degree was in general studies. These studies included the sciences such as astrology, mathematics, and chemistry. The University also offered courses that a trade school would offer, such as carpentry, tailoring, farming, fishing, and construction. Finally, business and ethics were offered. The Superior degree offers students a chance to do research and be instructed by the best professors. The Circle of Knowledge is becoming an imam or a professor at the University.

Unfortunately, the University went into decline when Timbuktu was invaded by Morocco in 1593 and took the best professors back to Morocco. The University never recovered, however its legacy lives on. Some figures have the manuscripts discovered at over a million. This large and prosperous center of learning shows us Islams influence and thirst for learning. also it shows us the level of intelligence and learning in Africa. There is an old West African proverb that sums up the nature of West Africa during this time "Salt comes from the north, gold from the south, silver from the country of white men, but the word of God and the treasures of wisdom are only to be found in Timbuktu."

For more information:

1 comment:

  1. I was surprised by the number of students the university contained. It shows the importance of education even in early centries. Twenty-five thousand is quite a lot of students, even though they are coming from an entire country. Good post!


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